Just for Today: The best-laid plans
Just for Today: The best-laid plans, November 9th, It is our actions that are important. We leave the results to our Higher Power.
Just for Today: The best-laid plans, November 9th, It is our actions that are important. We leave the results to our Higher Power.
Just for Today: Fear or Faith, November 10th, No matter how far we ran, we always carried fear with us.
Just for Today: From surrender to acceptance, November 11th, We surrender quietly and let the God of our understanding take care of us.
Just for Today: Our own story, November 12th, When we honestly tell our own story, someone else may identify with us.
Just for Today: Not perfect, November 13th, We are not going to be perfect. If we were perfect, we would not be human.
Just for Today: Not just surviving, November 14th, When we were using, our lives became an exercise in survival. Now we are doing much more living than surviving.
Just for Today: Letting go of our limitations, November 15th, Take my will and my life. Guide me in my recovery. Show me how to live.
Just for Today: Alone no more, November 16th, We gradually and carefully pull ourselves out of the isolation and loneliness of addiction and into the mainstream of life.
Just for Today: Walking through the pain, November 17th, We never have to use again, no matter how we feel. All feelings will eventually pass.
Just for Today: Self-discovery, November 18th, The Tenth Step can help us correct our living problems and prevent their recurrence.
Just for Today: The language of empathy, November 19th, . the addict would find from the start as much identification as each needed to
convince himself that he could stay clean, by the example of others who had recovered for many years
Just for Today: Finding fulfillment, November 20th, We weren't oriented toward fulfillment; we focused on the emptiness and worthlessness of it all